This must be one of the funniest e-Sports stream hijacks I've seen so far. During a League of Legends event at this…
Tons of fighter jets and so, so many explosions. Strike Vector, Ragequit Corp's excellent-looking multiplayer arena air combat game, sure is coming along nicely—as evidenced by this new gameplay trailer, shared by the developers over the weekend. The game itself is expected to drop early next year. Can't wait!
As this dramatic recap footage shows above, StarCraft II and the Season 2 finals of the World Championship series…
Season 2 of the StarCraft II World Championship Series is now in full effect at Gamescom 2013. During the weekend,…
The best shooter dogs are Nazi cyborg dogs. Roll over, Call of Duty; this Gamescom screen for Wolfenstein: The New Order shows how shooter dogs should be done. It also shows a swastika armband, which maybe isn't the best idea for a screenshot celebrating a German trade show. But man, look at that dog. Catch more… Read more
Stand in front of the next-gen Kinect, the one that can read your heartbeat just by looking at you (it's true; I…
Shadow Warrior is being rebooted next month. Flying Wild Hog's re-imagining of the classic, hilarious, and bloody 1997 first-person shooter will be arriving to PC on September 26. Naturally, there's a bloody trailer to go along with the release date announcement. Dig in!
Assassin's Creed IV's "Stealth" trailer sure does involve a lot of murder. And it's not just stealthy murder, either. Semantics aside, I'm really looking forward to neck-stabbing some bad guys in the jungle. Even if I won't have the kick-ass music. Did I mention there's kick-ass music? Have a look above.
Here's a humorously long list of banned questions for Hotline Miami 2, straight from the developers' gamescom booth. It might have been a slightly less time-consuming to put up a list of allowed questions. Maybe next year! In any case, the full list is below. Read more
Possibly the best-looking game of E3, the next-gen epic from the makers of Halo now also has a new…
Straight outta Germany, here's nine minutes of adorable new footage from Pokémon X, the latest entry in Nintendo's…
In Crysis studio Crytek's latest CryEngine tech demo, we can catch the engine's insane next-gen graphical…
The free-roaming super-powered action-adventure Infamous: Second Son appeared at Gamescom with a trailer featuring…
Fresh from Gamescom, here's a brand new look at Knack, the amicable self-building golem star of the PS4's first big…
The View From Gamescom: I've never been to Gamescom, but I've always been curious about what the show floor looks like. So, it's almost like Videogamer's Matt Lees made this video just for me. Bonus: Find out if the Ryse centurion has got anything going on under his battle-dress.
The launch of the Xbox One in November brings with it Forza Motorsports 5, and as nice as the new game pad's haptic…
Microsoft decided not to livestream their Xbox One press conference from Germany yesterday, taking the quieter path …
Earlier this morning Blizzard revealed the first expansion for Diablo III with a cinematic trailer and some gameplay…
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes reveals its ultimate villain, and we are all acting surprised. I gasped audibly. We did…
Rain has a release date: IGN reports that Sony's PS3-exclusive downloadable adventure arrives on the first of October in the US, the second in Europe, and the third in Japan. Rain will cost $15, and comes with an extra music montage, an avatar pack, and a dynamic theme for those who preorder. Read more