Gaming's reached a turning point. Western games have more realistic graphics and physics than Japanese games. This…
Today Microsoft fully launches its kid-friendly PC game development tool Kodu Game Lab, along with a contest that…
Looking to embark on a wondrous career in game design? GamePro Media and The Princeton Review have teamed up for a…
Computer science needs more women, and video game development could be the key to making that dream come true. A…
Speaking last night at The Art History of Games symposium in Atlanta, Doom developer John Romero talked about the…
According to the third annual Game Developer Census, game industry employment in North America has risen slightly…
There's an interesting story over at The Brainy Gamer that discusses the techniques of voice acting and how it…
The ESA Foundation, representing the charitable arm of the games industry, has announced that they will be making…
Gamasutra has published a postmortem for the hugely successful Bioshock; nothing contained within is particularly…
Outsourcing specialists Ultizen have secured $6 million is series B financing in a funding round led Taiwanese…
Gamasutra has an interesting look at the issue of casual portal exclusives and how such exclusives may be hurting…
Over at the Escapist, they're taking a look at the future of gaming — Hal Halpin, president of the Entertainment…
I mentioned the Games, Learning & Society Conference in Madison, Wisconsin back when a call for papers was put out.…
Korean games (non-Japanese games in general, actually) tend to get a lot of flack — 'They're all the same!' 'They're…
After a rather grueling year, I am taking a self-enforced vacation from academia for a few days to recharge. But if…
Over at PopMatters, the capstone of a nine-part series by L.B. Jeffries; this edition's topic is the problems with…
New York City's Center For an Urban Future released an in-depth report on the state of the city's game industry,…
It's no secret that Georgia wants game developers and it wants them bad. While the state is already home to a large…
As someone who has as-of-yet not visited Japan, I still imagine it is a place where cutting-edge game development…