We're sorry we showed you that Professor Layton figure last year. It may have led some of you to try and buy one.…
In the two years since we last saw a figure from PlayStation 2 RPG Shining Wind, things have taken a turn for the…
To cash in on the launch of Brutal Legend last year, EA had 1000 statues of the game's star, Eddie Riggs, made up.…
While the first Mass Effect missed the action figure bus, the sequel is avoiding making the same mistake, with a…
It can be said McFarlane make too many Halo figures. A Spartan with a blue helmet, a Spartan with a blue helmet and…
Toysmiths Kotobukiya have a new line of Kingdom Hearts figures on the way, due for release in Japan early next year.
Need something to wash the taste of that movie trailer out of your mouths, KoF fans? How about this new Vanessa…
The actual, offical Bayonetta figure is a little...off. Something's not quite right about her proportions. This…
The seventh series of McFarlane's Halo figures draws from four of the franchise's games, three of its species,…
With a new Layton movie due out in Japan next month, it's time to start cashing in! And there's no better way than…
There are a lot of video game toys out there. We should know. But did you ever stop to wonder, amidst all the…
This is Yamato's Nero figure, from Devil May Cry 4. He is large, he's so far only slated for a Japanese release, and…
Hong Kong-based toy company threeA will be releasing a Metal Gear Rex figure sometime next year. As you can see from…
It will, however, look great in your office, custom toysmith Jin Saotome's latest piece capturing Splatterhouse's…
HOLY CRAP! We are so surprised! You may want to hold own to your socks for this bombshell. We'll wait. Ready? Okay,…
Hong Kong's master toysmiths, Hot Toys, have added two more figures to their line of Resident Evil 5 12" figures:…
Play Arts, the action figure branch of Square Enix, are making some Bayonetta figures. A quick comparison between…
Collectibles company One2One Collectibles have announced they'll be releasing a line of 1:2 scale busts from the…
It's DIY Valve Action Figure Week this week at Kotaku, as hot on the heels of yesterday's lineup of Team Fortress 2…
For all Valve's expertise in the software field, the studio has always lagged behind in one crucial area:…