In case you needed a quick primer on the who's who and what's what of the role-playing genre, or just want something…
Life is funny. You can set out to become a human genome researcher or study bioinformatics and end up making a…
Legendary fantasy artist Frank Frazetta died on Monday. Today, the gaming industry pays tribute with a series of…
Tea-Bagging! Salty language! Racism! There seems to be plenty of reasons why you shouldn't let your child go online…
Gamers are always on the hunt for vindication. Some form of acceptance amongst the wider community. Thing is, we're…

My current least favorite part of the modern video game is when it tells me to stop having fun for a few minutes so…
A faithful companion. A star in the making. Adoration, rejection, and finally, a triumphant return.
You love a video game and you want a sequel. So you decide, with friends, to make one. A decade passes; your game…
A galpal and I are discussing video games over cocktails at a bar. Well, kind of. She's trying to tell me why she…
We pulled the top 100 highest rated games from review aggregation website and broke them down by…
Rockstar's Red Dead Redemption sells itself as a Western. But did you know it's not really a Western at all?
My oldest son is seven years old. When he was born, I named him a geeky middle name for one reason: To fulfill his…
Tell an actor to play the part of a butcher and what you see on screen will be a butcher, chopping slabs of meat as…
In May of 1998 I grabbed my primitive digital camera, hopped on a MARTA train, and took my first stumbling steps as…

The most common email response I received to my previous column ("Japan: It's Not Funny Anymore") was a perplexed…
Where once they shuffled, now they run. Initially born of forbidden voodoo rituals or the sign of a religious…
It appears that the iPhone's online identity crisis may be nearing an end, but at what cost?
In Jason Rohrer there's a fascinating schism between the tone of the work and that of the designer.
It's nearly 2 p.m. Eighteen year-old Richard Stephen rolls out of bed in his Florida home and fires up his…