We are in the eve of the next big Pokémon release, which means that some of you might be debating which version to…
Given the amount of information that’s floating around, seemingly the entire internet downloaded Pokémon Sun and Moon…
Watch Dogs 2 is out today. It’s a really big game full of stuff to do. It even has dogs for you to watch!
To the left, you’ve got Wailord, as it appears in Pokémon Sun and Moon. To the right, you’ve got Wailord from the…
Watch Dogs 2 takes place in a fictionalized version of San Francisco that occasionally cuts pretty close to the real…
Short version: The new PS4 Pro is a more powerful version of an already good console. We like the PS4 a lot, and the…
Pokémon Sun and Moon may not be out yet, but a cheating scene is already starting to form around them. Don’t be…
Most NES games have not aged very well. The Nintendo Entertainment System relied too much on antiquated principles…
Here’s an unexpected disappointment to cap off an otherwise lovely and completely not-disappointing week: Dishonored…
So many cool new monsters in Sun and Moon, yet only six spots on your team. Who is going to make the cut? While the…
The data mining of Pokémon Sun and Moon continues, this time bringing us a new look at the in-game descriptions for…
If you’re a Pokémon fan who wants to get to November 18th unspoiled, now would be a great time to unplug from the…
Steam’s cheating community is a network worth millions of dollars every year, and the shadowy rabbit hole goes…
It’s the middle of the day, and I’ve spent the last couple of hours trying to figure out how to kill this stupid…
Sombra hacked her way into our hearts today, now that Blizzard decided to stop messing around and just announce her.
House of the Dying Sun rushes ahead with furious focus and great urgency, and it’s hard not to get caught up in its…
Pokémon Go fans will soon be able to enjoy “daily bonuses” that reward you for playing the game on consecutive…
They say you shouldn’t rush into a new marriage, but screw it. This is the funniest use of speedrunning I’ve seen…
My Gwent awakening has taken place entirely within the last couple of months. In that time I went from never…
In 2001's Paper Mario, our favorite hero in blue overalls saves the day, just like he always does. Peach helps, but…