My Monster Hunter: World save file says I’ve played for about 70 hours. You’d think I’d have learned everything this…
Even Logan Paul’s comeback tour sucks. The brawny social media star who built an image around being a maverick was…
At a first glance, it may seem like Destiny 2 and Monster Hunter: World don’t have much common. But there are…
Every so often, Monster Hunter: World will really test your mettle. The massive wyvern Diablos is one such test, and…
While Steam gets a lot of hype for discounted prices, you don’t actually have to spend any money to enjoy some of…
One of the most pervasive complaints among those who play a lot of competitive Destiny 2 is that the game is too…
One of the toughest choices you’ll face early in Monster Hunter: World is which weapon to pick. There are so many…
Kotaku’s review of Monster Hunter World will be coming soon. (Sneak preview: it’s pretty damned good.) In the…
When it came out last fall, Assassin’s Creed Origins was already a massive game. Its new downloadable expansion The…
Assassin’s Creed Origins is an overwhelming game, full of upgrade trees and sidequests and all manner of optional…
If I had to sum up the last act of Assassin’s Creed Origins in three words, those three words would be, “Wait,…
When Epic Games originally announced a Battle Royale mode for its co-op zombie survival game Fortnite, the internet…
Stop me if you’ve heard this one: In September, Bungie releases an online first-person shooter. A few months and a…
Last week I began playing Warframe, a video game about robot gymnasts who spend all their money on clothes. I blew…
A group of GTA Online players are all gathered together near an auto shop in downtown Los Santos. They’re here for a…
Battlegrounds may have sparked the current Battle Royale trend, but these days, I’d much rather log into Fortnite.…
2017’s “YouTube Rewind,” the end-of-year advertisement for the biggest trends and hottest creators on the platform,…
We downloaded, we installed, we played. We nominated, we debated, we decided. Here, in alphabetical order, are Kotak…
The video games of 2017 were’t just fun to play; they were fun to listen to.