There’s been a different look and feel for the Dark Knight just about every time he’s been the subject of a new TV…
There’s been a different look and feel for the Dark Knight just about every time he’s been the subject of a new TV…
If you were pissed that we never got to see Billy Dee Williams become Two-Face or Marlon Wayans crack wise as Robin,…
Man, those are some very cool redesigns.
Once upon a time, DC Comics’ iconic space superhero went completely unhinged, beat up all his intergalactic…
Boys read comic books. Girls play with dolls. Or at least that’s how it used to be in ancient times. Mattel’s new DC…
As discussed previously, they’re more like super-terrorists. And they just did something shocking in the latest…
Over the decades, DC Comics has given the Man of Steel several different dates of birth. But the weirdest one is…
There’s a new issue of The Dark Knight III out today, extending the three-decade lifespan of Frank Miller’s…
For months, the House of Superman has been teasing something called Rebirth. Now, they’re starting to talk about…
Poor Damian Wayne. He can break all of a grown man’s major bones in an eyeblink but he’s still just a kid yearning…
There’s nothing worse than running into an old ex. Especially when that ex is Batman’s homicidal archenemy.
Batman’s butler hates it when people sneak into the Cave. Like, a lot.
Bruce Wayne isn’t a real person anymore. He was, for a few short months. In that time, the man orphaned by crime was…
The first time I read All-Star Squadron #20, somewhere in my pre-teens, it blew me away. There it was, the answer to…
When Tim Burton’s Batman hit movie theaters in 1989, superhero adaptations were a risky gamble that few movie…
Clark Kent’s already done some silly things to try and get his Kryptonian mojo back, like trying to fly right into…
A new animated movie and series will be featuring DC Comics’ biggest super-team, just in time to tie-in to Batman…
Shaggy looks like he lives in Bushwick now and works at an artisanal clam chowder pop-up. Zoinks, Scoob!
The newest Clown Prince of Crime in Batman’s hometown isn’t insane. He didn’t fall into a vat of chemicals.…
Last month, Bruce Wayne—who came back from the dead with no memory of his former life as a superhero— found out he…