This is a Skyrim screenshot. It's from DSOGaming's latest roundup of ENBSeries-modded Skyrim shots, proving, once again, that Skyrim can be the planet's prettiest game to take photos of—provided you take the time set up those mods, and have the (beastly) rig to support all that eye candy. Look below for more. Read more
The Wii U version of Smash Bros. will include a nice little homage to the 1979 arcade game Sheriff in the form of an assist trophy. This was Nintendo's first title that featured artwork by Shigeru Miyamoto. Read more
With this design, Smash Bros. suddenly looks like a scene from Samurai Jack in Toxodentrail's excellent fan-art. Read more
The LEGO version of the Armored Personnel Unit from the Matrix movies can't really get cooler than this. Niki Dregant's replica is a 700-piece beast and, as you can see, even in different positions, it's perfectly the same as the ones seen in Zion during Matrix Revolutions' final battle. Read more
Flying this low always makes me nervous - that's what the Battlecruiser's captain from StarCraft II would say while looking at this pic. Luckily it's just an authentic Kerbal Space Program replica. Nothing can go wrong, right? Right? Read more
Well that GTA IV bowling session had an unexpected ending. Niko is lucky that veteran modder and YouTuber Helix_Snake, who can apparently mess up things in any game he wants, didn't take him to play darts.
Sadly, the "real" Ashlands of Vvardenfell never quite looked so pretty. At least not in-game in Morrowind. Ogilac's "Ashland" shows us what the Red Mountain and its surroundings might look like when the place isn't covered in ash storms—it's quite the visual treat. Shoot down those cliff racers and it's perfect. Read more
This is what the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge could look like in the Minecraft world. As you can see on the behind the scenes shot below, the animation is actually the result of a complex command block configuration which handles everything from the movement of the arms to the creation of the ice blocks. Fascinating. Read more
I haven't seen an asian-style temple so beautiful since I played the Shadow Warrior reboot last year. The map was done in CryEngine3 by Minsk-based 3D artist Censored_ID, who recently shared his work at the Polycount forums after finishing the project in July. Check below for a video and some gorgeous screenshots.
Minecraft screenshots always look so great when they're isometric and the buildings have this classic strategy game feel. Just like this one by superhoiee. It reminds me buildings from the first Settlers game or larger castles from Age of Empires. Really cool build. Read more
This is what a Minecraft resource pack can do to your world. These shots come courtesy of udlose, soldier and the builder behind Autumnvale—now known as Ambervale—and they show off the capabilities of the Conquest pack, with vanilla Minecraft on the left and Conquest on the right. Two more below. Read more
Not many games have customization deep enough to help cosplay as Full Metal Alchemist characters, but Agentloonypants in Final Fantasy XIV pretty much nailed it with Edward and Alphonse. Read more
So how about some awesome Minecraft wallpapers? Here's a few great-looking screenshots from Darastlix's Minecraft landscape portfolio, shared recently over at r/minecraft. You can check them all out in the embedded album below. Read more
Watch out captain! Cliff ahead! TheBrownCanadian was able to glitch out Assassin's Creed IV and make it look like a Spelljammer-style space pirate game. Anti-gravity engines were not that advanced in the 1700s after all. Read more