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This should be familiar if you’ve watched basically any school anime, ever. It’s an Unreal Engine 4 scene done by environment/prop artist Jason Wesner, who used both real-life and anime references while working on the project. The HD shots are below, along with a flythrough video that shows off the map really well.

When Combine posters pop up in your apartment building, you should think about moving. 3D artist Liam Tart, who’s worked as an environment artist on Alien: Isolation, is remaking a small, familiar section of Half-Life 2 in Unreal Engine 4 to get out of his “usual sci-fi comfort zone.” You can follow his progress here.
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Realistic/historical RPG Kingdom Come: Deliverance discusses its first-person melee combat in its most recent video, also talking about the “thousands of hours” of research that went into developing it. Looks fun! The swordfighting, that is, not the research. Video’s embedded below, so make sure to give it a watch.

The Thief Gold HD Texture Mod has hit version 1.0 after a couple years’ development, turning Looking Glass Studios’ 15+ year old stealth-em-up a lot... well, I wouldn’t say prettier, ‘cause Thief’s universe is hardly pretty. But still, those are some impressive visuals. Might try this on my next playthrough.
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Those are some wicked lighting effects. The GIF comes from the devlog for MegaSphere, an action-RPG-roguelite-platformer currently being developed for PC, and is one in a series of GIFs demonstrating a newly introduced weapon, Storm. Lots more info here.
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Gaming Heads is the one responsible for this Mordin statue, which is good, ‘cause someone else might have gotten it wrong. Sorry. In any case, the statue stands 20.5 inches tall, will be out next year, and comes in two flavors: exclusive (with console) and regular (without console). Check below for a couple more pics.
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Redditor Mega_Dunsparce took several ridiculous photoshopped planes, then went and turned them into working aircraft in Kerbal Space Program. There’s a couple more examples below, and for the whole bunch, you can check out the relevant threads here, here and here on Reddit.
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