There are several festivals in Japan dedicated to the phallus. At the very least, it's only natural that there would…
Right now, Japanese people are having sex. Not all the Japanese people at once, mind you. But it's going on as you…
Death is inevitable. And for many, it's also scary. In Japan, some are confronting death head on in a rather unusual…
The hair. Just look at the hair! It's magnificent. These aren't video game characters. They're men who would like to…
In Japan, there's the salary you get from your company. And if you are a married man, there's the salary you get…
Last week, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe ticked off people in South Korea and China. This weekend, he hung out…
Let's say you eat out in Japan. And let's say, the food is really good. Ditto for the service. How do you express…
Bill Gates is dedicating his life to helping others. But let's not judge him on that. Let's judge him on how he…
You might think your name is normal in your family's native tongue. Maybe it is. But put it in a different language,…
English is a hard language, especially for some Japanese people. The grammar is different. The pronunciation is…
Every spring, like clockwork, the Kanamara Matsuri is held in Kawasaki, Japan. People flock to the Shinto fertility…
Shoko Nakagawa is a superstar. She records music, she appears on TV shows, and she even voices Pokémon anime…
As covered on Kotaku yesterday, photos of schoolgirls doing faux manga style martial arts moves have been popping up…
Stone statues play a prevalent role in Japanese life. You see them at Buddhist Temples and Shinto Shrines, and you…
For some in Japan, schoolgirls are an object of fetish. That can manifest itself in their appearance in mainstream…
Over the years, I've had some truly delicious sushi in Japan. Ditto for outside of Japan. Of course, there are the…
Maybe you are going to Japan. Maybe you're not, but one day, you hope to. There is an array of options—from fancy…
This weekend, sand storms blew through Japan. Cities like Tokyo were covered in an unreal yellow haze.
Hello, everyone! This is Scott. Scott Oellkers. He's the president of Domino's Pizza Japan, and he's here to…
Twitter sure is fun. It's a great way to get information and communicate with others. It's also a platform for…