Fallout casemods for the Xbox 360 are great, but you can do so much more with a PC.
Fallout casemods for the Xbox 360 are great, but you can do so much more with a PC.
War has changed. Where once the stars of Modern Warfare and Metal Gear fought mercenaries and other bad men, today…
In the shadows of the Spider-Man Noir universe, you can barely even see the Negative Zone alternate costume for…
More lofty claims from developer Splash Damage, as the latest developer diary for Brink boasts that the game blurs…
I walked in on this bit of performance dance taking place at Playstation's GamesCom booth. What game is it for?…
You get The Jacknife Chronicles, a piece of machinima that uses Source Engine editor Garry's Mod and makes a…
The Wizard was pretty awful. Too much Nintendo advertising, not enough Sega CD and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
In this commercial for Samsung's new Galaxy S phone, a guy who looks a lot like Halo's Master Chief runs like a…
We found this motorcycle game over at the Motorcycle Association's booth at GamesCom last week.
Even Metal Gear Solid: Rising. This mock-up was done in Adobe After Effects CS5 and shows Rising's "cut what you…
Activision's return to classic shooter GoldenEye 007 puts you in the shoes of Daniel Craig's take on a grittier,…
We know what you're thinking. Will Microsoft's Kinect read your body when fully encased in a fur suit? Direct from…
Ubisoft's upcoming air-combat game isn't just about the fancy fixed-wing fighter aircraft. The latest trailer for…
I'm not really sure what Poisonville is, I know it's some sort of German massively multiplayer online role-playing…
Hide the women and children, Japanese beatboxer Hikakin is once again at large. Following up his Super Mario…
For the general public, Gamescom is just getting started. For the folks at EA Germany—the business types—the show…
Gamescom is the world's biggest video game show, that's probably because the show is open to the public, attracts…
Earlier today, RockBandAide.com picked apart a Gamescom video interview with Harmonix and posted a list of 38 more…
Kane and Lynch take their war on masturbation to the streets. In their adventures they ran into a Chinese man with…
Namco gave Tekken and Street Fighter fans in Germany an unforgettable presentation at Gamescom this week in the…