It’s an Avengers movie! It’s a Spider-Man movie! It’s a Black Panther movie! Captain America: Civil War manages to…
It’s an Avengers movie! It’s a Spider-Man movie! It’s a Black Panther movie! Captain America: Civil War manages to…
In all my years of toy collecting I’ve never managed to fully assemble one of Hasbro’s Marvel Legends Build-A-Figure…
Right now, there’s only one Captain America flying through the skies of Marvel’s mainline comic-book universe. But…
The Serpent Society used to be a group of slither-themed lamers that Steve Rogers used to pound on for months at a…
While the world is raving about the new Captain America: Civil War trailer, on my shelf, it’s still The Age of Ultron…
Here’s the first trailer for the upcoming Captain America: Civil War. Ever want to see Captain America give Iron Man…
The series where Gwen Stacy is the superhero swinging around Manhattan beating up bad guys is a fan-favorite twist…
Steve Rogers used to be Captain America. Then a dramatic plot development made him old and he passed the mantle on…
When Sam Wilson became Captain America last summer, lots of heated discussions sparked off over Marvel Comics’…
Cosplayer Kelsey Jenkins and her boyfriend were at Salt Lake Comic Con on the weekend—dressed as Black Widow and…
Issue #1 of Captain America: White was supposed to come out seven years ago. It’s out today.
The Joker finally figures out where Batman gets his wonderful toys in this awesome stop-motion animation. Who can…
The power of the NES might have been too much for a game like this, but CineFix’s fake Captain America: The Winter…
Captain America: The Winter Soldier was one of my favorite movies from last year, so when I learned that Hong Kong…
Captain America is a white guy, right? Most of the time, yes, he is. But what does it say about the character — or…
Ever wonder what it would be like if Captain America beat the crap outta Ash from Pokemon? Or what if Thor fought…
That's a nice selection of tunes for an 80s parody. But ChiefBrody's fan-made Captain America 2 video has it all:…
Most superheroes aren't scientifically accurate. That said, that doesn't mean that we can't let a biologist try to…
Confirming an earlier report, Marvel's Joe Quesada has revealed on The Colbert Report that the current Captain…