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The sub-boss battle music from Bravely Default: Flying Fairy is some of the most hilariously over-the-top JRPG battle music I've ever heard. From 1:50 to the loop-around, it's... it's like composer Revo built a giant robot out of DragonForce members, gave it a Red Bull and told it to perform three lead guitar parts at

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The demo version of Square Enix's Bravely Default is live on the 3DS eShop. The demo includes an exclusive side quest not available in the full game when it ships February 7. Check out the rest of this week's Nintendo Download, including Dr. Luigi and Mega Man X2 for the Wii U, here.

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The lovely 3DS role-playing game Bravely Default is out on February 7 in North America, Nintendo just announced. Looks like they're ditching the subtitle for this one.
