I always found Metal Gear Solid 4 to be not a brilliant game, but a fascinating one. A mad ideologue glutted with…
"Those are however small prices to pay for a game that may not advance some great BioShock canon, but still stands as a great way to round off your view of Rapture - a world that always felt like a designed dystopia more than a failed city suddenly converted into a much more plausible place." — From a fine new BioShock… Read more
Can we judge the quality of a video game by the number of people who finish it? Probably not, since I've met many a…
VP of development Rod Fergusson, who has previously left Epic to help with the finishing touches on BioShock Infinite, is departing Irrational Games. "Now with the game shipped successfully, I've done what I set out to do here and now I'm looking forward to the next chapter in my life and career," he told Polygon. Read more
However you feel about the game itself, this hilarious, interactive take on BioShock Infinite by Cryptic Sea will probably make you laugh. (Contains spoilers.)
Months after fan voting ended, you can finally download and print the alternate covers for BioShock Infinite over at Irrational Games’ website. Read more
(Warning: the following video contains spoilers for BioShock Infinite.) Perhaps you remember seeing BioShock Infinite…
BioShock Infinite's steam(balloon)punk world had a lot of impressive technology, but nothing that could actually…
"It turns out that there isn’t enough helium in the world to make Columbia fly. The math puts it at around 330 million cubic meters of helium." —An expert explains the difficulty of keeping flying cities—like the one in BioShock Infinite—aloft. Read more at io9. Read more
The beauties you can see above are the work of Annie Saunders from Carson City, NV. Both the setting and the chain…
As a shooter, BioShock Infinite isn't that great. People came for the story and world, and that's what most people…
Ben Lo is a Canadian concept artist who currently works at Irrational Games in Boston.
Okay, it's time to talk about it. About what, you ask? About how totally bananas the violence in BioShock Infinite…
One thing you've probably noticed while playing BioShock Infinite is that Booker DeWitt is one hungry fella. Hot dogs, peanuts, popcorn, cotton candy—he'll eat just about anything, even if he found it in the trash. Our friends over at Gourmet Gaming have posted a recipe for Finkton's Baked Beans so that you can make… Read more
There's a lot to like about BioShock Infinite. It's gorgeous looking, the music is spectacular, and the story is…
Bioshock Infinite is one of those rare games that you absolutely need to talk about the second you finish it.…
Bioshock Infinite’s floating city is a stunning setting, carefully crafted to capture the imagination, so it was…
Those BioShock titles sure have given us some fancy outfits! And the newly released BioShock Infinite is no…
What the upcoming BioShock Infinite: The Siege of Columbia lacks in surround sound and frantic action, it makes up…
In this video, reader awdofgum throws caution to the wind and takes a running jump off the edge of Columbia,…