Grand Theft Auto V is a very good game. It's also really large and complex. Tons of things to do. Many sights to…
Plants Vs. Zombies 2: It's About Time has arrived, and despite the glowing reviews and praise for its relaxed…
The latest North American entry in Namco Bandai's beloved Tales series of role-playing games has arrived for the…
Pikmin 3 is good at many things. But it's not so good at explaining the best parts of its control scheme or even how…
If you've taken a chance on the Cube World alpha, you might've noticed one thing. Aside from the beautiful voxels…
Naughty Dog's much-anticipated (and excellent) action/horror game The Last of Us is fairly straightforward: Keep…
Few games are as relaxing and enjoyable as Animal Crossing—that much hasn't changed with the newest iteration. Now…
The paranormal puzzle-fest Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon came out yesterday for the 3DS. Patricia gave the game a good…
The latest iteration of the world's oldest and most-beloved city building game has arrived, incorporating strong…
If you have a 3DS, you should play Fire Emblem: Awakening. If you don't have a 3DS, you should get one to play this…
There's a lot to love about Ni no Kuni, the wonderful PlayStation 3 role-playing game that came out last Tuesday.
It's fun to discover a video game on your own, but every so often, you need a helping hand. We're here to be that…
Here at Kotaku, we like to put together lists of tips for getting the most out of some games. Skyrim, Far Cry 3, Arkh…
Ubisoft's tropical action game Far Cry 3 comes out today. It's massive, it's open-world, and it's a hell of a lot of…
Two amazing games come out today: stealth-action-RPG Dishonored and strategy game XCOM: Enemy Unknown. Both are vastl…
Saving the world ain't easy. It takes strategy, preparation, determination and more than a little luck. So don't be…
Are you going to play Resident Evil 6? Get your button mashing fingers ready, prepare yourself to twirl some analog…
Borderlands 2 is a tough game. Tougher than I remember the first game being, in fact. It's also an incredibly large…
Diablo III is upon us, and while the more dedicated fans of Blizzard's action role-playing franchise are well on…
Today marks the release of The Witcher 2: Enhanced Edition on both Xbox 360 and PC. Sure, those of us with a…