It better be sea salt Bashir Sultani is using to recreate the piratical Edward Kenway from the upcoming Assassin's…
It better be sea salt Bashir Sultani is using to recreate the piratical Edward Kenway from the upcoming Assassin's…
Last time we saw anything from Vector Sigma Creations’ Weaselhammer, he’d made a weapon from the future in the form…
No, not as in enthusiasts. Not even mechanical fans, either. We're talking about video game themed hand fans by…
Microsoft Excel isn't only for spreadsheets. It can also be used to create art. Don't believe me? Just ask 73…
Simon Beck likes to make art in the snow. Not little snow angels or snowmen. Enormous pieces that can take up the…
Remember that amazing Pokémon Noir comic by Ray Bruwelheide that we posted a bit of earlier this year? Well, awesome…
I'm rocking the Portal wallpaper you see here on my home computer.
The Ring girl crossed with Princess Peach is a terrifying thought. Consider your childhood memories—and every…
Most janitors are satisfied with keeping things clean. This junior high school custodian might be, too, but also has…
Artist Camille Young - who we've featured before here - is the master craftsperson behind this amazing 1:1 replica…
It's my favourite time of the year. The time when, like clockwork, Japanese indie gaming store Meteor holds its…
Last year, Kotaku featured a Japanese "latte artist" named Kazuki Yamamoto. Taking inspiration from games and anime,…
It always baffles me when people go out of their way to make Metroid's Samus look "beautiful". As if that matters.…
Amidst all the rubbish Sonic games and Hatsune Miku, it's easy to forget that Sega was, once, cool. Very cool.
The deal with Context-Free Patent Art is that it takes the weird flowcharts and bizarre drawings from the patents…
Artist Sam Milham, attempting his own swing at the whole "video game characters as hipsters" thing, knocks it out of…
Portal 2's Frankenturrets were a hilarious abomination, but there's absolutely nothing horrific about this perfect…
There's a slight whiff of obsessive compulsive about these, which is probably why I like them so much.
Having lived through the 80s, it's always weird when I see people associating the decade with BRIGHT PINK and BRIGHT…
Then they'd probably look a little like these digital art pieces by deviantArt artist KaiKoa—also known as Cami…