One Piece Film Gold, the 13th feature film based on the world’s bestselling manga, hit Japanese theaters last…
One Piece Film Gold, the 13th feature film based on the world’s bestselling manga, hit Japanese theaters last…
Monster Strike, the popular smartphone game, is getting an animated feature film this December in Japan. It will have the very clever title Monster Strike The Movie.
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure will premiere on Toonami this October, Toonami announced last night. Just one week ago, Toonami began airing viral anime One-Punch Man.
Dragon Ball Z’s “Final Atonement” episode is one of the most famous moments in DBZ history. Let’s see how the manga…
These are not official GIFs. They were made by Australian animator CL Terry, and they are terrific.
Today is the 15th birthday of acclaimed Studio Ghibli film Spirited Away. As a token of gratitude to the Japanese…
Famed animator Hayao Miyazaki wanted to make a sequel to the 2008 film Ponyo. It never happened. There’s a simple…
Actually, no. They’re like “Pikapikapikapika.”
Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 is slated to the fourth and last entry in the Rebuild of Evangelion series. It has been held up,…
A new anime about a “strange cat” that is also a banana is proving popular among American adults. It is called Banany…
Former Japanese Defense Ministry Yuriko Koike is currently running for Tokyo governor. Among her ideas to is to…
It’s hot outside. Let’s stay in and watch some anime.
Mob Psycho 100, this summer’s soon-to-be-hit anime about a psychic middle school boy, premiered today. From the…
Nice work. This keeps looking very, very promising.
In Berserk’s manga, TV series and full-length movies, the sword-wielding heroine Casca has traditionally been…
Hybrid x Heart Magias Academy Ataraxia follows the adventure of a Kizuna, a schoolboy who recharges battle hardened…
Goodness. Here is a look at the official Catbus for really big kids. You know, grown-ups.
Cannon Busters, the Kickstarter-backed anime project worked on by folks from Black Dynamite, Darksiders, Legend of Korra and Macross, has actually been made! Here’s the trailer for the first episode, which premieres for backers on July 8.
You know you’ve been waiting. I sure have. And here we are, an official Studio Ghibli burger.
This makes perfect sense.