Angry Birds developer Rovio said they were teasing an epic new game, and they weren't kidding. Soft launching in…

A new Dark Souls? The next chapter in The Elder Scrolls? No, it's just Angry Birds. Rovio is teasing another new Angry Birds title, soon to be soft-launched in Canada and Australia. Definitely getting an epic fantasy vibe, but which epic fantasy?
Months ago we told you about DeviantART artist Tohad's insane project: turning every cute video game and cartoon…
Following up on yesterday's tease, Rovio has revealed Stella, a new corner of the Angry Birds universe featuring…
"Big adventure with new birds coming soon!" says Angry Birds maker Rovio, attaching this puzzling picture to its tweet. Can you figure out what sort of birds these mysterious silhouettes represent? Is it Angry Birds: Tim Burton?
Forget the cash, downloads and merchandise: you know you've really made it when law enforcement agencies start using…
The maker of Angry Birds, one of the world's most popular video games of any type, today said it "does not share…
Your phone, your e-mail, your Skype calls... just about everything you use is leaking information these days.…

While the rest of the Angry Birds spend their days desperately trying to recover their stolen young from their…
It's easy to tune out just how much Angry Birds-branded merchandise there is floating out there in the world.…
There's no reason that McMaNGOS should have mashed up the theme from Angry Birds and the Beastie Boys'…

Now that fans of mobile gaming's most furious fowl have had time to collect all of Hasbro's Angry Birds Go! Telepods…
Artists at Rovio were asked to mix Angry Birds with other games, and this Street Fighter mashup is what Javier Burgos came up with. Awesome coloring! And he really had to make those birds look upset to avoid mockery. Read more

It's still a couple of weeks before the Angry Birds kart racing game hits mobile devices in North America, but it's…

There's a new update for Angry Birds available today, transforming the Bomb Bird's explosions into…

There are clones of video games, and then there are clones of video games so shameless that you wonder how the hell…

Award-winning composer and Blizzard dev Jason Hayes has gathered an army of prolific musicians, from session…

Now that the toy tie-ins are on store shelves and we've got an official December 11 release date, we're finally…
The Angry Birds theme park had long been in the works. Rovio's been angling to create a theme park in China since…