Nintendo's approach to downloadable games for Wii and DS is something the company "do[es]n't do so well," Nintendo…
This week's Nintendo Download features a pair of Square Enix WiiWare games originally released in Japan as Kumanage,…
With no one game in particular standing out in this week's Nintendo Download other than the one with the meerkats in…
This is classic side-scrolling Mario Bros action, a successor to the original Super Mario games. The new moves in…
This is classic side-scrolling Mario Bros action, a successor to the original Super Mario games. The new moves in…
Can you love shapes and straight lines? Crimson spider robots casting maroon shadows? Pink stripes painted beside…
Who needs a high-definition cowboy title when you can play SNES classic Wild Guns on the Virtual Console? It joins…
The minute you start playing Metal Torrent, you're almost done. But the brevity of Nintendo's first DS shoot-em-up…
What better way to capture the splendor of the leather-clad, hip shaking of Olivia Newton-John and John Travolta in…
Just because this week's Nintendo Download doesn't contain much in the way of recognizable titles doesn't mean there…
Spirit Hunters, a new game in development by Nnooo for the DSi and "future nintendo handhelds", is an augmented…
The wait for the North American release of the game that sold more than four million copies in Japan comes to an…
When we first saw the pseudo-3D wonder of Nintendo's hidden object game Looksley's Line Up in action, we wondered…

Remember the pseudo 3D game, Looksley's Line Up, that everyone thought was a demo for the Nintendo 3DS? It's on…
Not since my Mii arm-wrestled the Mii of television's own Geoff Keighley has Nintendo technology allowed me to…

When you've got Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations for WiiWare, Earthworm Jim for DSiWare, and a…
Photo-friendly fighter Photo Dojo hits the DSiWare shop today with a temporary discount to free.
In March 2006, Nintendo released the DS Lite. The portable kicked off a wave of Apple comparisons. Here's why:
Japan isn't only The Land of the Rising Sun. It's also The Land of Xbox 360 Indifference. There must be a way to…