Today Highlight Reel we have Red Dead horses, more Hitman 2 briefcase magic, international Battlefield V headshots, dinosaurs, and much more! Watch the video then talk about your favorite highlight in the comments below. Be sure to check out, like, and share the original videos via the links below. Subscribe to Kotaku on YouTube for more! Catch up on all the episodes on the Highlight Reel Youtube playlist! Assassin’s Creed Odyssey - @imjamesgrech Jurassic Park: The Game (Modded) - Jurassic Park The Game but T-pose - DPO23 GTA Online - Back at it again reddit. Show me what you got. - ParadoxSebx Battlefield V - Using the force - Jonskeezy Battlefield V - Quite possibly the longest headshot I will ever have...with a rocket - Lapetos1 Battlefield V - BFV in a nutshell - blamelessleaf RDR2 - hmm… - crunchmonkey RDR2 - Gurrrrrrrl, Do Something!......Ha, that’s my gurrrrrl! - Braum101 RDR2 - 碧血狂殺2-變形金剛馬 - 凱拉特 RDR2 - Glitchy Guy - That Scot RDR2 - Two birds with one stone cold bastard - Mikkel Kyhn RDR2 - Red Dead Redemption 2 ‘’M&M’’ Stunt Montage - Evolve Stunting/Forrest Hitman 2 - Believe it or not, Dalia’s walking on air… - PanicSwitch71 Hitman 2 - Floating Bodies - MySimplePixel Hitman 2 - Flying Explosive Briefcase - BernardoOne Hitman 2 - a homing briefcase to surpass Metal Gear - BernardoOne Hitman 2 - _20181121132552 - Andranik Arutiunian Highlight Reel is Kotaku’s regular roundup of great plays, stunts, records and other great moments from around the gaming world. If you record an amazing feat while playing a game (here’s how to record a clip), send it to us with a message confirming that the clip is yours at Or, if you see a great clip around that isn’t yours, encourage that person to send it in!