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Switch's NES Games Get A Rewind Feature This Month

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Nintendo’s growing collection of 8-bit NES games available through its Switch Online service are going to get a popular feature that’s been seen in other retro collections: Rewind.

Screw up in Super Mario Bros. and die on the first Goomba? Redemption is just a button press away. Hold down the ZL and ZR buttons and you’ll be able to scroll back through a timeline of snapshots of your gameplay and pick where you want to resume from. Now you don’t have to save-scum your way through StarTropics any more. Lucky you.


Rewind will be added to the Switch Online NES app on July 17, the same day that two more games will be added: Donkey Kong 3 and Wrecking Crew. These are also the only two games Japan is getting this month. Still no word on the thing we actually want, which is Super NES games. Sorry.