Hudson’s 2008 Fall Gamer Day was held tonight at a club called Etiquette, which was already a bad sign for me as I can’t spell that word to save my life. Luckily Google Maps features that “Did you mean [word you should have spelled correctly]?” feature so I was able to locate the lounge after only twenty minutes of poking manfriend’s iPhone. Hit the jump for the full swag report…In order of coolness: Three Bomberman stickers (I heart stickers) Three mini bottles of liquor I don’t drink A Fishing Master World Tour sweatband A drinking flask with the Hudson logo on it (this would have been at the top, if their logo weren’t a giant bee) A cardboard advertisement for Fishing Master World Tour To me, this sends mixed messages because on the one hand, you have the games:
And on the other, you have the tools you need to enjoy the games…?
At least my cat seemed interested (if you look closely at the first pic). Check back for more on the actual games tomorrow!