After a court order was issued preventing rapper-turned-hacker George Hotz from ever hacking Sony products again, Hotz is now boycotting the electronics giant's wares.
As previously posted, Hotz agreed to, basically, never mess around with another Sony product ever again. He's barred from "unauthorized access to any Sony product under the law", and will be in deep trouble if he violates a Sony product's terms of service, "whether or not Hotz has accepted such agreement or terms of use".
If he's found to have breached those stipulations, he's liable to face a $10,000 fine per violation, up to a maximum "cap" of $250,000.
In the wake of this, Hotz is taking part in a Sony boycott. "I am joining the SONY boycott," Hotz blogged earlier this week. "I will never purchase another SONY product."
"I encourage you to do the same," he added. "And if you bought something SONY recently, return it."
If Hotz was buying Sony products to hack and tinker with, it doesn't make much sense for him to purchase them. But it's like he's rolling over, taking his toys and going home. Not everyone likes what Sony did to Hotz, sure, but then again, not everyone tries to hack Sony products. Some people like to play video games on them.
Even with the order issue settled, Hotz doesn't seem like he's ready to let it go. In one of his most recent posts, titled "A New Topic", Hotz continues to rail on Sony. He now says the focus of the blog will be the Other OS lawsuit. His next post details his appearance in the mainstream media. Go figure.
But why should anyone care what Hotz thinks about this Other OS case? He caved, gave in, agreed he wouldn't hack Sony products again. Sure, he didn't get sued for a gajillion dollars, but Sony "won". Hotz did not.
Writes Hotz, "Basically if Sony does bad things, you better not call them out, or they'll attempt to make your life hell."
geohot got sued [Official Site] [Pic]