Popular Street Fighter IV producer Yoshinoro Ono says even after he worked himself to the point of exhaustion and took a terrifying trip to the hospital several months ago, Capcom put him back to work at breakneck speed.
Speaking to Eurogamer's Simon Parkin at Capcom's Captivate event last month, Ono paints a grim picture of working conditions at Capcom:
The situation is the complete opposite. Nobody told me to take a rest. When I returned to work, Capcom didn't even acknowledge that I had been in [the] hospital. There was no change in my schedule. I was at home for an entire week before the doctors allowed me to return to work. When I returned to my desk there was a ticket to Rome waiting for me. There's no mercy. Everyone in the company says: 'Ono-san we've been so worried about you.' Then they hand me a timetable and it's completely filled with things to do.
Jeez. Be sure to check out the rest of Parkin's interview: it's a great read!
The Rise and Collapse of Yoshinori Ono [Eurogamer]