The blocky sushi and blocky salad are both sublime. To enjoy them, all you need is a copy of Minecraft.
These were made using MrCrayfish’s Model Creator, by a minecrafter named VanillaBurp, in about a week and a half. There’s thirteen food items in total, and since the models are included in the map file, they’ll look as good in-game as they do on the screenshots:
And, in case you’re having trouble identifying some of the food, from left to right, we’ve got:
Sushi with pickled radish and cucumber; noodle soup with beef; onigiri rice balls; steamed pork with baby carrots and asparagus; pumpkin cubes with sauce and chopped green onions; cherry tomato, lettuce and carrot salad; shish kebab with red and green bell pepper...
...beefsteak; pancakes with butter and syrup; Beef Wellington; lasagna topped with cheese and green pepper; beef tacos with tomatoes, lettuce and sour cream; and double-patty sliders with tomatoes, cheese and lettuce.
You can download the map here for a closer look, or you could also watch VanillaBurp’s narrated walkthrough below.
Dayshot is an image-based feature that runs every morning, showcasing some of the prettiest, funniest game-related screenshots and art we can find. Send us suggestions if you’ve got them.
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