Awesome news: after a long wait, Final Fantasy Tactics is on its way to the App Store, with the classic strategy title due out this Thursday. Only, there's a catch: it's expensive.
The iPhone is a different market than other handheld gaming platforms. Nintendo is finding this out the hard way. Games are normally sold for $0.99, sometimes $1.99, and while there's a ton of shit out there, there are also plenty of great titles available in that budget price range, which can give you hours and hours of enjoyment.
Square Enix doesn't care. It's launching the game, first out in 1997, for the insane price of $16. I get it, it's an established game, and Square Enix has launched other recent games at "premium" prices, but $16 for a game that's nearly 15 years old (and that many of you may own on multiple platforms already) is taking the piss.
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