Originally, Final Fantasy XV director Hajime Tabata said he wanted to add at least three more add-ons in 2018. That was the plan. Now Tabata is saying there are four more in-coming and all the DLC might not come out this year.
In a recent 4Gamer interview (via Hachima), Tabata discussed the DLC, saying, “There is one thing I need to let everyone know, and that is perhaps it won’t all be out only this year.” (That’s right, the Royal Edition is not the complete version. There is more DLC coming!)
Tabata conceded that, yes, the original plan was 2018, but looking at the main game’s player survey satisfaction rate of 62.4 percent, Tabata thought more development time was necessary to finish up Final Fantasy XV.
“Instead of fussing over ‘during 2018,’ it’s necessary to ensure a reasonable development period,” Tabata said. “We’ve decided to make four episodes through 2019,” he told Famitsu in much more concrete terms in a separate interview.
Final Fantasy XV was originally released in 2016. It was announced in 2006 as Final Fantasy Versus XIII.
You can read Kotaku’s Final Fantasy XV review right here.