Besides making video games, Square Enix also has a line of collectible "Play Arts" figurines. Upcoming Metal Gear Rising is getting a Play Arts version of protagonist Raiden in his black armour.
And to mark the game's release, Square Enix sent Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima a custom version. With his face on it.
After getting this one-of-a-kind present, Kojima promptly stuck his customized mug on other Metal Gear Solid to create a "Hideo Snake".
スクエニさんのフィギュアチームから物凄いプレゼントが届いた!, 世界にひとつのプレイアーツ改「秀雷電」, 秀雷電というより、黒秀夫w, ヒデオ・スネークw [@Kojima_Hideo]