The Japanese entertainment industry is crawling with young women who hope to become the next geek idol. With her anime songs and maid outfits, Mako Okita might seem like any other hopeful, but she stands out. How many idols can say they've been arrested for cyber crime?
Late last week, Okita was arrested by Japanese cyber cops for apparently accessing her talent agency's webpage without authorization and writing things like "This agency is evil" and "The agency's president is slutty".
Okita apparently accessed her agency's website last March via a net cafe computer. She used a company ID and password to access the site and splash these slanderous comments.
Okita released her debut single last spring. Since this she's been doing live appearances. But the 26 year-old idol didn't only sing. She was engaged to agency's president and helped him out by doing things like creating the company website.
The president, however, started seeing other women, and Okita and him broke up. She was kicked out of their house and started running into money problems. The situation apparently embittered Okita and compelled her to deface the agency's website.
The idol admitted that she accessed the webpage without authorization, but does not recall the particulars of what she did.
This week, Okita was scheduled to perform at a concert. She'll be occupied with another performance—at the police station.
芸能プロダクションのウェブサイトに不正アクセスし内容改ざんの疑い [FNN]
(Top photo: FNN)