Make that, Spider-Woman. Japanese celebrity and serial cosplayer Natsuki Okamoto was on her regular current events program dressed as everyone's friendly neighborhood superhero and then started "shooting" webs.
Via 2ch, here's how that went down:
Okamoto often dresses as things she's into, whether that's an athlete she follows, a historical period she enjoys, or in the case of Spider-Man, a movie she digs. According to Yahoo! Japan, Okamoto was deeply moved by Amazing Spider-Man 2, which opened last last month in Japan. (I wonder if this is clever marketing!)
Still, Okamoto dresses up on a regular in a slew of interesting outfits as she discusses the news. Earlier this year, Kotaku profiled Okamoto and her hobby. Here's what she has been up to since then:
[Photo: Dragon_Eye]
[Pic: ryu2tk]
As cherry blossoms. [Pic: yuhki827]
[Pic: Dragon_Eye]
[Pic: madosuke2]
[Pic: Dragon_Eye]
[Pic: sagaehiroshi]