Derek Yu’s platformer roguelike Spelunky is quietly one of the most influential games of the past decade. Now he’s back with a team of indie standouts, and they’ve collaborated to make 50 new games with a twist: the story is that they were created by a fictional company in the ‘80s that was “obscure but ahead of its time.”
The collection is called UFO 50. Each game will be “slightly smaller” than an actual 8-bit game from that time period, but Yu and co stress that they’re “full games” rather than minigames. They’ll span a variety of genres, from RPG, to platformer, to puzzle, to shoot ‘em up while remaining bound by style and “modern game design sensibilities.”
Here’s a trailer:
In addition to Yu—whose studio, Mossmouth, is also publishing the game—Downwell’s Ojiro Fumoto, Time Barons’ Jon Perry, Madhouse’s Paul Hubans, and Skorpulac’s Eirik Suhrke are also working on the game. It’ll be out on PC in 2018.