Sony is sorry it got hacked and that you've been locked-out of the Playstation Network for over three weeks. Now it would like to buy your forgiveness. Exactly how much the company is willing to part with depends largely upon what kind PSN-user you were previous to the outage, and which of the two Sony gaming platforms you own.
As part of its "Welcome Back" initiative, SCEA is allowing Playstation 3 and PSP owners to pick from a variety of games and services at no charge. We've compiled the market values for these items to determine how you can get the most bang for your buck out of this somewhat unusual opportunity. (Note that, in many cases, the prices of these games are higher through the Playstation Store itself than at the competitor retailers we've consulted.)
Of the 5 PS3 titles available for download, users can select two:
Dead Nation ($14.99)
inFAMOUS ($23.44)
LittleBigPlanet ($17.98)
Super Stardust HD ($9.99)
Wipeout HD + Fury ($19.99)
Among those games, both inFamous and Wipeout HD provide the most value, otherwise costing over $40 combined.
PSP owners can likewise select two titles from below:
LittleBigPlanet ($19.23)
ModNation Racers ($19.81)
Pursuit Force ($11.33)
Killzone Liberation ($14.21)
Opting to select the two highest-price PSP games will net you a value of roughly $40.
Those who were not subscribers to PlayStation Plus can enjoy a one-month free trial—up to $6 in value, depending upon the pricing plan selected. While those who were already paying users are set to receive two months for free—or $12.
Lastly, Music Unlimited Premium trial-holders and registered users will both be receiving one month on the house—another $9.99.
To get the best value, you'll want to select the following games:
inFamous + Wipeout HD + LittleBigPlanet(PSP) + Modnation Racers(PSP) = $82.47
Factor in dues owed to you if you're a Plus or Music Unlimited subscriber, and you could see that total increase to $104.46.
What you're worth to Sony will reflect how many Sony products and services you already own. For PS3 owners that have forgone the bells and whistles (and do not own a PSP), Sony is willing to part with merchandise and programs amounting to roughly $50. The Sony faithful, on the other hand, could more than double that amount—but one wonders: won't these gamers already own many, if not all, of these greatest-hits titles?
(NOTE: Sony is also offering 100 free virtual items to its Home users. However, as these items have yet to be specified, we have opted to omit them from our survey. However, Home users should consider these as yet another added value. Likewise, a selection "On Us" rentals remain TBA.)
(Top photo: Shutterstock)