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Sony Have "No Plans" For PS2 Downloads On PSN

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Downloading PS2 games on the PS3? Sounds great in theory, but it's "news" to Sony. Responding to rumours kicked off by a suspicious-looking "screengrab" (Fantavision? Really?), Sony's Patrick Seybold has said "At this point, we haven't made any announcements, and there are no plans for PS2 downloadable titles on PS3". The no announcements part, that's normal PR talk. The "no plans" bit goes a bit further, however, perhaps even suggesting they really have no plans for such a service! Perhaps (it's a merry dance we dance with PR responses). Kinda hope they do though, if only to see people in forums convince other people in forums that The Bouncer would be a good game to catch up on.

Sony: 'No plans for PS2 downloadable titles on PS3' [GamePro]