Speaking with German site Welt Online, Sony President Sir Howard Stringer has spoken at length on the PlayStation 3. On how it's probably not going to see a price-cut in 2008, on how it cost more money to develop than they'll ever make back in his lifetime, on how game sales will offset that loss. But most interesting of his comments come when asked to compare Nintendo's top-selling Wii to the PS3, where he replies:
It's a different experience. The Wii is a well-made device that has found a new target group. For a while, we held the same target group with the SingStar karaoke game. But perhaps we neglected to pursue that avenue. Playstation games are rather designed for those who play a lot. Although it's a different strategy, it pays off.
Of course you neglected to pursue that avenue. Phil Harrison - the guy who was pushing SingStar, and EyeToy, and Buzz! - didn't leave for Atari for the prestige. Future of Sony Ericsson uncertain [Welt Online] [Image]