Popular Capcom video game Sengoku Basara is being turned into a Japanese TV drama called Sengoku Basara Moonlight Party. The show stars Gackt and hunky dudes like Kento Hayashi, Hide Tokuyama, and Kouhei Takeda—all wearing silly costumes.
These outfits would not be silly in a Sengoku Basara video game. But this isn't a video game. In real life, the get-ups appear utterly ridiculous. That's the rub—these characters are based on historical figures. (Check out how they looked in real life.)
"I can only see this as some sort of joke," a Japanese net user wrote on bulletin board 2ch. "Did someone lose a bet?" asked another.
Between saying these simply looked like pricey cosplay, like something out of an adult movie or just awful, the general consensus was that the outfits were lulztastic. "I'm not familiar with the games," wrote one 2ch user, "and these outfits are actually so awful that I want to watch the show."
Sengoku Basara Moonlight Party gets its costume party started on July 12 when its first episode airs.
【ドラマ】 実写版「戦国BASARA」のキャラクターがひどすぎると話題に [痛いニュース]