Comiket, aka Comic Market, recently wrapped up in Japan. It is summer in Japan. Summer in Japan is hot and icky. Not ideal for standing outside in funny outfits.
Website has just posted a smattering of indoor Comiket cosplay photos, which do a nice job of complementing the gallery we previously ran. Have a look at all the gaming-themed costumes. Because you can handle more.
You can almost feel the air conditioning. Almost!
萌え・セクシー成分が供給過多ぎみなキャラコス!「となりでコスプレ博2010夏」レポ, ヘソ出し!夏だし!フィギュアだし! コスプレレポその5, 海なんて所詮 水着しか見れないけどさ、となコスには全てが詰まってるよね! コスプレレポその2 [Moeyo]