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Some Cosplay From Germany's Biggest Anime Con

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DoKomi is Germany’s biggest anime show, with over 45,000 people turning up in Düsseldorf last month for video games, panels, music acts and cosplay.

So Say We All photography took the trip over from the UK to be there, and was kind enough to share some pics with us (you can see more at his Instagram).

We don’t feature as much cosplay from European shows as we could or should, so this is cool!

Cosplay by Kim_on_the_rocks
Cosplay by Kim_on_the_rocks
Cosplay by Rayigram
Cosplay by Rayigram
Cosplay by Faelablanche
Cosplay by Faelablanche
Cosplay by Melee Cosplay
Cosplay by Melee Cosplay
Cosplay by Cage Costumes & Bajamayo
Cosplay by Cage Costumes & Bajamayo
Cosplay by Cyfediacosplay
Cosplay by Cyfediacosplay
Cosplay by Narakubrock
Cosplay by Narakubrock
Cosplay by Rauno Props
Cosplay by Rauno Props
Cosplay by MsSkunk
Cosplay by MsSkunk
Cosplay by Kadart Cosplay
Cosplay by Kadart Cosplay
Cosplay by MaryLuck7
Cosplay by MaryLuck7
Cosplay by BakkaCosplay
Cosplay by BakkaCosplay