Let’s get this out of the way: I don’t like Fortnite. But I am seriously considering these new Fortnite Joy-Cons, because good Lord, those colours are wonderful.
Thats a lovely, rich shade of blue there on the left, but on the right, have mercy. Not even that stupid banana face can ruin it. Yellow—and I mean a nice, deep gold, not piss yellow—controllers and handhelds are simply the pinnacle of Nintendo colour schemes, and nobody can ever convince me otherwise. Look at this:

And this!

And this!

Sadly these Joy-Cons don’t quite reach that level, because of the banana face like I said, but also the logos on the back that make the blue one look like a Facebook peripheral. Maybe/hopefully you can gently scratch them all off!

These are out on June 4, and also come with 500 V-bucks and a couple of “in-game cosmetics.”