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Snake 'Stache Start!

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And the Snake 'Stache entries are rolling in! Here's an Old Snake tissue lip from reader Cheese — complete with salute! Now, we didn't say you needed a Kotaku sign for this contest, but if you add one, we'll be happy. (However, you do need one for the Dragon Ball Z contest.) Contestants must create and wear mustaches made out of anything BUT hair. Got that? Entries must be of a non-hair mustache, and it must be on the contestant's face. Finalists will be announced on June 12th. That's soon! The winner with get an exclusive limited edition Metal Gear Solid 2 Raiden figure. More details here. Send your entry to kotakutcontestATgmailDOTcom. May the best 'stache win!

Hit the jump for two more mustaches. Two more awesome mustaches, that is.

Jake says, "Yee-haw!"

Tozza sends along his entry for "the prestigious Metal Gear mustache contest."