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Skylanders Completists, One of These New Wii Bundles Knows What You Want

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Nintendo may have an all-new console coming out in justa few weeks, but that's not going to stop them from tempting folks to pick up a Wii any way they can. The company just announced two new bundles for their aging hardware, one of which is designed to get rabid toy collectors like Kotaku's own Mike Fahey shell out cash for a system they already have.

The Just Dance 4 bundle comes with a Wii console, nunchuk and Wii remote controllers and a copy of Ubisoft's hit rhythm games, all for $129.99. The recent Wii price drop means that you're essentially getting the game for free.


But it's the Skylanders tie-up that's the fiendishly clever collector-bait. For 149.99, you'll get a copy of Skylanders Giants and a blue Wii and controllers, along with an exclusive blue version of Giants character Tree Rex. Activision has found a lot of its success with the Skylanders games from creating a hot new interactive collectible franchise, powering by fans who need to get every single variant of ever single character. Bundling hardware with one such figure is just cruel. Or as Fahey puts it, "Dammit. You can mention my plans to buy one, because dammit." Good work, Nintendo, you'll probably sell a few more Wiis to people who don't need them. The bundles come out on November 4th.