There are way too many online games in China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, and getting players to play your game is difficult especially when your company is competing against the likes of Blizzard. So how do Chinese, Taiwanese, and Hong Kong companies entice and draw in gamers?
The answer according to Taiwanese media is girls. Tencent has rounded up the seven best marketing gimmicks used by Taiwanese, Chinese, and Hong Kong games companies to get more gamers.
From last to first:
7. Go where there are people and advertise with Girls.
6. Use a hot 2D render of an in game character to trick players in - The character art is nothing like what is actually in game.
5. Have a wall of hot female users on the home page to show off the "players".
4. Have a sexy female endorse the game and promising that she will actually be in game by giving out her account number.
3. An in game avatar or NPC based on a seductive female personality that can interact with players.
2. Have female idols greet people in person as well as hold events where said idol will meet lucky player.
1. Have a sexy female personality say the words "Come, play with me" or "I'm waiting inside..." in a seductive voice.
By the looks of the list it seems that the only thing that Chinese, Taiwanese, and Hong Kong gamers really care about is hot women, be they animated or real.
Now the question is, what will they do when they have to advertise to gamers of the opposite attraction?
Number 7
Number 6
Number 5
Number 4
Number 3
Number 2
Number 1
Extra number 2
台媒评7大网游宣传手段 众台妹争芳斗艳 [Tencent]