The snowy streets of digital New York are hiding a few secrets, if you know where to look.
Here are some of the best easter eggs players have found within The Division. Some of them you might recognize from the beta!
Breaking Bad
Found by mechspectre, this is an obvious nod to Jesse Pinkman and Walter White.
Ubisoft Office
OniZombies found a few shout-outs to Ubisoft games here, such as Grow Home and For Honor. Neat.
Rick and Morty
Also spotted by OniZombies, it turns out that one of the missing person posters says someone was “last seen screaming ‘wubba lubba dub dub.’” That’s Rick’s catchphrase!
Adventure Time
Mr. Bean
Gearnuke spotted a morbid wink at Mr. Bean, who is known for antics such as this one.
Shaun of the Dead
And that’s why you gotta be careful of ‘shortcuts.’
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
IGN walks us through how to find a nunchuck and pizza box combo.
Have you spotted any good Division easter eggs? Do share.
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