Sega's Toshihiro "Brown Man" Nagoshi, the creator of the Monkey Ball series, has revealed today that he's formed a new studio at Sega which will deal exclusively with games for the Ryu ga Gotoku (Yakuza) series.
That studio's name is Ryu ga Gotoku Studio (catchy!), and is currently working on two new titles. The first is a sequel to the PSP's Yakuza spin-off, Black Panther, which will be out in 2012.
The second? Yeah, it's Yakuza 5, which will actually be the seventh instalment in the long-running and successful gangster series on a PlayStation console, though information on that one is at a premium (gotta save something to announce at this year's Tokyo Game Show!).
【速報】PSP「クロヒョウ 2 龍が如く 阿修羅編」2012年春発売!&「龍が如く5」の開発も決定! [MGNF]
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