We've gotten glimpses at Cello Fortress before, but it'd be understandable if some readers still had questions about how the game works. Four players with controllers take on… an improvising cellist. Okay, that's amazing. But how does it work?
Here's how. The cellist can choose from a number of pre-set options like "High, fast notes" or "Low Chords" to get the red enemy on screen to adopt a different tactic. The players have to work around what he's doing, coordinating with their teammates while also listening to the music to anticipate his next move. I particularly like that there's a special melody that clears out half of the screen. The Melody of Doom!
The game, created by Proun creator Joost van Dongen, is only playable in installations on a tour. You can find more information, including tour dates, at cellofortress.com.
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