After a seemingly endless parade of less palatable Pokémon, Scorbunny’s fluffy white bunny butt has finally shown up at Build-A-Bear. I’m a little mad it took so long, but incredibly pleased with his little jammies, so it balances out.
Despite being a fire Pokémon, Scorbunny is the coolest of the Sword and Shield starters. Grookey is cute and Sobble is sad and sweet, but the blazing bunny corners the market on marvelousness. That’s why it’s no surprise it’s the first Galar region Pokémon to get professionally stuffed by Build-A-Bear.
The Build-A-Bear version of Scorbunny captures the heroic rabbit’s likeness quite nicely, from the tips of his orange footsies to the odd growth on his left ear that might be a tumor, depending on your headcanon.

He really needs his jammies, which is great because Build-A-Scorbunny is currently only available as part of an exclusive online bundle that includes said jammies, a fashionable cape, and a 5-in-1 sound chip that you have to hear because it’s so damn adorable. If the $61 bundle is a bit much, the lil critter will eventually be available for naked in-store purchase as well, you monster.

OMG look at its little cape.