Tecmo's Japanese marketing team has recruited "entertainer" Hard Gay to help promote the upcoming Rygar: The Battle of Argus in Japan. Over there, they call it Argos no Senshi: Muscle Impact and use CAPS LOCK.
A half-assed Rygar-cosplaying man, capable of pounding the entirety of the Kotaku staff into oblivion, gave it his all in the name of product promotion, dispatching low-ranking HUSTLE entertainment wrestling stars with his plastic diskarmor. A slew of "wrestling" exhibition matches look to have taken place, involving liberal use of PVC outfits and faux fighting.
That's what we gather, anyway. Then some dance routine lead by Razor Ramon Hard Gay occurred and photos were taken. It was weird, but also spectacular. We recommend eyeballing the entire fiasco.
テクモとハッスルエンターテインメントがコラボレート! お台場で「アルゴスの戦士 ハッスルインパクト」を開催 [Impress Game Watch]