Details on a new batch of Halo 3 Achievements, rumored to have been included in the Halo 3 "Mythic" build on hand at PAX 08, have emerged via the Ascendant Justice forums. With 30 Achievements in all for a total of 750 coveted Gamerscore points, the "Mythic" something-or-other features accomplishments based on the Legendary and Heroic map packs that have already been released. For a full list, hit the jump.1 Heretic Skull - 25gs 2 Citadel Skull - 25gs 3 Assembly Skull - 25gs 4 Sandbox Skull - 25gs 5 Orbital Skull - 25gs 6 Longshore Skull - 25gs 7 Tank Dropper - 25gs 8 Zombie Repeller - 25gs 9 Delicious Brains - 25gs 10 Save This Film - 25gs 11 Have Fun Respawning - 25gs 12 Killtacular - 25gs 13 Awww, Too Bad - 25gs 14 ... Get the Horns - 25gs 15 Post Mortem - 25gs 16 Ghost Patrol - 25gs 17 Blades of Fury - 25gs 18 Pull - 25gs 19 Hammer Time - 25gs 20 Look Both Ways - 50gs 21 Road Rage - 25gs 22 Flag Dropped - 25gs 23 Defend This - 50gs 24 Came... From... Behind... - 50gs 25 Alas, Poor Yorick - 25gs 26 Double Double - 25gs 27 Vidmaster Challenge: Brainpan - 25gs 28 Vidmaster Challenge: 7 on 7 - 0gs 29 Vidmaster Challenge: Lightswitch - 0gs 30 Vidmaster Challenge: Annual - 0gs Consider it rumor for now until the powers that be at Bungie confirm. Given the amount of evidence in the form of non-shaky camera pics, we're inclined to believe. So. Believe. Mythic Map Pack/Disc? [Ascendant Justice Forums - thanks William B!]
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