If you’re going to make a finger-shaped souvenir for a horror video game, you’ve really got to sell the body part—a well-defined nail area, proper coloration and the like. The more you obscure a fake finger prop with unnecessary details, the more it looks like a horrifying dick.
The key to one of the biggest mysteries in the Resident Evil 7 demo, the dummy finger item’s in-game model already looked a lot like a slightly mangled penis with a few choice lacerations.
But images of the USB souvenir handed out as a promotional item for Japan’s Biohazard Ambassador program events (and included in the $180 GameStop-exclusive collector’s edition) recently posted on Twitter (via Daniel Feit) really drive the point home, so to speak. It looks like a burnt hot dog that’s been left out in the rain overnight after a weekend barbecue.
Should the end-user make proper use of the collectible’s joints, it takes on a much more finger-like appearance.
There we go. No one is going to mistake that for a flash-fried dick sticking out of your computer.
Resident Evil 7 launches on January 24 worldwide.