For the past few years, Square Enix has been co-developing mobile game Final Fantasy XI R with Nexon. The game was dubbed an “MMMRPG” or “Massively Multiplayer Mobile RPG.” But now, apparently, it’s no more.
Originally announced in 2015 as Final Fantasy XI Mobile, the game was promised to be a mobile version of, you guessed it, FFXI. It was announced for release in both Japan and South Korea in 2016, but that never happened. Social Game Info reports that FFXIR wasn’t able to meet expected standards and the project’s developers have been moved to other games.
Final Fantasy XI R was apparently listed in the development pipeline last fall, but in February, it was finally officially canceled. Kotaku is following up for clarification.
March 24 - 6:00AM: Nexon issued the following statement to Kotaku: “In early February Nexon and Square Enix announced a mutual decision to cancel that project. Together, we decided that the game was not showing the level of creative differentiation that players expect from the FF franchise. And rather than release a game that doesn’t break new creative ground, we agreed to step away from the project.
Nexon has the greatest respect for Squre Enix and we look forward to working with them again in the future.”