Breast-shaped mouse pads make their Western debut, along with several other naughty items in Record of Agarest War's Really Naughty Limited Edition for the Xbox 360, announced today with a slightly NSFW instructional video, in case instinct doesn't take over.
There can be no doubt what the marketing angle for Aksys' Record of Agarest War is now that they've announced the Really Naughty Limited Edition. The package contains a soundtrack CD, a Sensual Vira-Lor mouse pad complete with a pair of fake breasts, a Yearning Ellis pillowcase (you'll have to provide your own pillow), and a special box covered in titillating scenes of anime excess.
As if the announcement weren't enough, Aksys also provided an "instructional" video, showing fans the best way to take advantage of this extended edition. It's only slightly creepy.
How much would you pay for fake boobs and a pillow to drool on? $59.99 is Aksys' asking price, which is pretty fair, considering this is the sort of swag you generally have to import from Japan.
I have to say, I am still shocked and appalled by the flagrant use of sex to sell this title. If you're over 18, check out the announcement trailer below while I stomp off to angrily preorder.